The policy of mandatory vitamin A fortification in packaged palm cooking oil is based on the mandatory implementation of the packaged palm cooking oil SNI Number 7709 of 2012 and updated by SNI Number 7709 of 2019. The SNI regulates, among other things, the vitamin A content of palm cooking oil at the production level of at least 45 IU.
Sejak pemberlakuan kembali penerapan SNI MGS, belum pernah dilakukan kajian kandungan vitamin A dalam MGS bermerek di tingkat peredaran, kecuali dilakukan oleh BPOM untuk keperluan monitoring penegakan peraturan. KFI dan Nutrition International (NI) telah melakukan kerjasama survei minyak goreng sawit top brand (MGS dengan market share tertinggi) di Indonesia, termasuk MGS kemasan Minyakita di dua kota besar di Indonesia, yaitu Jakarta dan Surabaya. Pengukuran kandungan vitamin A MGS dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat ukur I-Check Chroma-3, yaitu suatu alat portable fotometer buatan Bioanalyt Jerman untuk mengukur kadar vitamin A dalam MGS dan menggunakan HPLC di laboratorium analisis Balai Besar Industri Agro (BBIA) Bogor.
Hasil kajian tersebut disampaikan pada diseminasi tanggal 18 April 2024, di Harris Hotel. Diseminasi bertujuan menginformasikan kepada pemangku kepentingan terkait pelaksanaan survei minyak goreng sawit yang telah dilaksanakan KFI dan Nutrition International, sekaligus memberikan gambaran tentang ketelitian alat ukur portable Icheck-Chrome dibandingan dengan hasil pengukuran menggunakan HPLC di BBIA. Diseminasi dihadiri perwakilan dari Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, Kementerian Kesehatan, Kementerian Perindustrian, Kementerian Perdagangan, BPOM, Badan Pangan Nasional, Mitra Pembangunan, Asosiasi Industri Minyak Goreng (GIMNI, AIMMI) dan GAPMMI, Industri MGS, serta berbagai Lembaga Non Pemerintah.
In her speech, Mrs Nina Sardjunani, Chairperson of KFI, said that one of the problems Indonesia still faces in its palm cooking oil fortification program is the lack of regular monitoring of vitamin A content to ensure that fortified branded packaged palm cooking oil at the producer and market/retail levels contain vitamin A as required. The limited monitoring is due to the high cost and time required for analysis. It was also conveyed that the development and use of practical rapid test instruments and equipmentapid test instruments/rapid assessment) yang praktis untuk monitoring lapangan bermanfaat untuk memperkaya data dan informasi terkini terkait pelaksanaan program fortifikasi dengan biaya yang lebih terjangkau. Diharapkan juga dalam waktu dekat akan tersedia peralatan yang dapat digunakan untuk uji cepat pada garam, terigu dan beras. Bpk. Herrio Hattu, selaku Country Director Nutrition International menyampaikan apresiasinya atas kehadiran undangan yang jumlahnya melampaui ekspektasi yang menandakan besarnya rasa keingintahuan berbagai pihak mengenai efektifitas program fortifikasi vitamin A, meski sebatas dilihat dari kandungan Vitamin A dalam MGS. Apresiasi disampaikan kepada KFI selaku mitra NI dalam menjalankan kajian secara profesional. Harapannya hasil kajian ini dapat berkontribusi terhadap jalannya program fortifikasi di Indonesia, khususnya program fortifikasi MGS

Discussion session on the results of vitamin A study on palm cooking oil moderated by Prof. Drajat Martianto, M.Si.
The results of vitamin A testing conducted by KFI and NI were presented by Mrs. Atmarita, PhD. A total of 85.3% of top-brand palm cooking oil samples contained vitamin A >45 IU. While 6.9% of palm cooking oil contained vitamin A 20-45 IU and 7.7% of palm cooking oil contained vitamin A <20 IU (KFI & NI 2024). Palm cooking oil samples containing vitamin A 45-70 IU (54.42%) compared to the sample group from mini markets (50.0%) and traditional markets (17.58%).
The results of this vitamin A analysis study on palm cooking oil were welcomed by various parties. Sondang Widya Estikasari, S.Si, Apt, MKM, Director of Supervision of Processed Food Products, BPOM, welcomed the data from this study because, Indonesia has additional data in addition to the data obtained from the government. In addition, Dewi Fatmaningrum from UNICEF also appreciated the results of this study because this study has succeeded in filling the missing puzzle of food fortification and it is hoped that we can all work together to complete the empty puzzle through similar studies. Through this forum, Adhi Lukman, Chairman of the Indonesian Food and Beverage Association (GAPMMI) also expressed his appreciation to the business players who have committed to fortifying palm cooking oil as a result of this study. He also encouraged all parties to continue working together to improve the quality of fortification.
Suggestions and inputs received from the dissemination, among others:
- What needs to be addressed in the future is the regulation of old products in circulation so that only compliant products are circulating in the community.
- Standards for palm cooking oil packaging need to be regulated so that there are no low-cost packages that lack the quality to maintain vitamin A content.
- The use of I-Check Chroma-3 is still costly, so there is a need to think long-term by increasing Indonesia's capacity to develop similar tools, or at least vials (reagents) can be produced domestically to reduce the price.
- This study needs to be followed by a study on the vitamin A content of palm cooking oil in the population/households and a study on the level of vitamin A sufficiency in the population to strengthen the study on the effectiveness of vitamin A fortification in cooking oil.
- To strengthen the implementation of cooking oil fortification, the SNI palm cooking oil needs to be synergized with the mandatory packaging rules under the Ministry of Commerce so that there is no more bulk palm cooking oil circulating in the market.