
  • Established in Jakarta, 1 September 2010
  • Indonesian Nutrition Foundation for Food Fortification (KFI) is an independent non-profit foundation, established in 2002 and renewed its notarial certificate in 2010.
  • Previous Name: Koalisi Fortifikasi Indonesia (KFI) didirikan 7 Mei 2002
  • Founder: Prof. Soekirman.,SKM.,PhD; Ir. Suroso Natakusumah.,MM; Ir. Budianto Wijaya M.App


Vision dan Mission


To become an effective and independent NGO in advocating the implementation of Large Scale Food Fortification (LSFF) to alleviate hidden hunger and improved health, productivity and quality of life of the Indonesian


  1. Gather, synthesize, and disseminate knowledge, best and effective future practice of LSFF based on internal KFI studies and external sources of knowledge
  2. Advocate national and subnational policy maker in planning, controlling and evaluating mandatory food fortification
  3. Provide technical assistance to build the capacity of industry, government officer, academia, and organizations who have interest in promoting fortification as strategy to control hidden hunger and poverty through improvement of health, productivity and quality of life.
  4. Facilitate the establishment of LSFF PPP forum and maintain the sustainability of the forum in assuring the implementation of effective mandatory FF to achieve its objective.
  5. To become a highly reputable Nutrition Institute at the national and international levels with a focus on food fortification.

Scope of Activity

Kerjasama KFI BMGF

  1. Development of the National Food Fortification Strategic Plan (FFSP) 2025-2045
  2. Development and dissemination of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials on food fortification and nutrition issues including the preparation of communication strategies to various stakeholders.
  3. Current information on food fortification technology and nutrition issues
  4. Facilitate the strengthening of Public-Private Partnerships to advocate for commitment and involvement in activating national food fortification policies.
  5. Seminar Prawidya karya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi

Collaboration of KFI and NI

  1. Analysis of Rice Fortification
  2. Vitamin A content analysis of cooking oil (in progress)


KFI currently has several activities. The main activities are a series of collaborative activities between KFI and the Bill and Mellinda Gates Foundation, including internal activities to strengthen the capacity of the KFI Organisation as well as other substantial activities such as: Preparation of LSFF Strategic Plan 2025-2045, Development of Food Fortification Monitoring-Evaluation Model, Organisation of Pre-National Conference on Food and Nutrition, etc.



The KFI organisation consists of a Board of Supervisor chaired by Fransiscus Welirang, the Board of Trustees chaired by Prof. Soekirman, and the Committee led by Dra Nina Sarjunani, MS as Director (see photo of the KFI committee).

Ir. Franciscus Wilerang

Chair of the Supervisory Board

Ir. Thomas Dharmawan Tjokronegoro

Member of the Supervisory Board

Dr. Drs Henson, SH, MH

Member of the Supervisory Board

Prof. Soekirman.,SKM.,PhD

Chair of the Board of Trustees

Prof. Dr. Abdul Razak Thaha., M.Sc

Member of the Board of Trustees

Prof. DR. Ir. Purwiyatno Hariyadi.,MSc

Member of the Board of Trustees

Ir. Budianto Wijaya., MappSc

Member of the Board of Trustees

Dra. Nina Sarjunani.,MA

Director of KFI

Idrus Jus'at., M.Sc., PhD

Community Nutrition Expert

Dr. Sunarno Ranu Widjojo

Community Nutrition Expert

Atmarita., MPH., Ph.D

Finance Manager Community Nutrition Expert