KFI Director and Co-Director Provide Input at LSFF Forum in East and Central Java

In support of Large-Scale Food Fortification (LSFF) implementation to address micronutrient deficiencies and combat malnutrition early, UNICEF, in collaboration with the provincial governments of East Java and Central Java, held the "Workshop on Dissemination of Landscape Study and Initial Orientation on Large-Scale Food Fortification." The workshop occurred in Central Java on Thursday, May 16, 2024, and in East Java on Thursday, June 20, 2024. Dra. Nina Sardjunani, MA, Director of the Indonesian Nutrition Foundation for Food Fortification (KFI), attended as a respondent. KFI Co-Director Prof. Drajat Martianto participated as a speaker at both events.

Prof. Drajat presented on "Fortification and Biofortification of Food for the Prevention of Micronutrient Deficiencies and the Improvement of Human Resource Quality in Indonesia." He discussed various aspects of food fortification, including its importance, safety, and effectiveness. Prof. Drajat highlighted several issues regarding food consumption in Indonesia, such as the country's ranking in the Global Food Security Index (GFSI), poor dietary quality due to low intake of animal protein, vegetables, and fruits, and the low Pola Pangan Harapan (PPH) score. He further explained, "Only 1% of Indonesians cannot meet their caloric needs, but nearly 50% cannot afford a healthy diet. A diet dominated by carbohydrate-rich foods and low in animal-based foods, vegetables, and fruits underlines the necessity of food fortification as a complementary strategy to address micronutrient deficiencies.”

In his presentation, Prof. Drajat also emphasized the importance of collaboration among the government, industry, and the public in strengthening the implementation of mandatory fortification and biofortification programs through the National and Regional Large-Scale Food Fortification Coordination Forum (LSFF Forum) to achieve Indonesia Emas 2045 vision.

Dra. Nina Sardjunani, MA, introduced KFI's role as the Technical Secretariat of the National Food Coordination Forum. She explained that KFI's vision is to become an effective and independent NGO advocating for LSFF to reduce hidden hunger and improve Indonesians' health, productivity, and quality of life. She also reaffirmed KFI’s commitment to contributing to the development of national food fortification through several key initiatives, including:

  • Developing food fortification policy concepts in the 2025-2045 Long-Term Development Plan (RPJP), integrated into the Social, Cultural, and Ecological Transformation agenda.
  • Establishing the concept of the National Food Fortification Coordination Forum in collaboration with Mr. Adhi Lukman.
  • Preparing the strategic academic study on LSFF policy for 2025-2045, with support from Prof. Ahmad Suryana.
  • Developing a monitoring and evaluation system for LSFF with assistance from ICONS (Hasanuddin University).
  • Creating a communication strategy for LSFF in cooperation with Yayasan Cipta.
  • Conducting studies on cooking oil fortification, funded by Nutrition International (NI).
  • Engaging KFI experts in developing rice fortification standards with GAIN Indonesia and the Ministry of Health.
  • Designing a micronutrient and consumption survey.
  • Strengthening local government's role in achieving Universal Salt Iodization (USI).
  • Advocating policymakers at both the central and regional levels for updated data on micronutrient deficiencies.

Ms. Nina also urged the formation of cross-stakeholder forums at the provincial level to better address mandatory food fortification programs, particularly concerning iodized salt, which needs to be more adequately managed. She also encouraged preparation for rice fortification and biofortification development, which have been integrated into the 2025–2045 RPJPN and the 2019–2024 RPJMN. She emphasized that the effectiveness of the provincial LSFF coordination forums requires the establishment of Technical Secretariats, like the one at the national level. Central and East Java governments are encouraged to collaborate with universities with Public Health programs to manage critical Technical Secretariat tasks, such as data analysis for evidence-based policymaking, policy brief development, and program monitoring and evaluation.

KFI is ready to support the Central and East Java provincial governments in advocating for the importance of the LSFF Coordination Forum. Currently, KFI is advocating for USI achievements in Majene and Enrekang districts, South Sulawesi Province, in collaboration with Hasanuddin University, and is preparing to advocate for a similar forum in South Sulawesi Province.

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