Avenzel Hotel dan Convention Cibubur | 20 May 2024

To obtain feedback and finalize the national communication strategy document on food fortification for advocacy and behavior change, KFI and Yayasan Cipta held an FGD on Monday, May 20, 2024, from 09.00-12.00 WIB, which was held at Avenzel Hotel and Convention Cibubur and Zoom Meeting.

This activity was moderated by Prof. Dr. Abdul Razak Thaha, M.Sc and opened by Dr. Nina Sardjunani

This activity was moderated by Prof. Dr. Abdul Razak Thaha, M.Sc., and opened by Dr. Nina Sardjunani as Director of KFI and continued with a presentation from the Yayasan Cipta Representative regarding the document that had been prepared. In her speech, Dr Nina said that preparing the communication strategy document and the FGD activities align with KFI's vision of advocating for national and subnational policymakers in planning, controlling, and evaluating mandatory food fortification. To carry out advocacy and communication with policymakers at the national and regional levels and with businesses and consumers, KFI considers it necessary to prepare a National Communication Strategy Document on Food Fortification. In this regard, with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, KFI, in collaboration with Yayasan Cipta, has prepared the National Communication Strategy Document on Food Fortification.

Yayasan Cipta Presentation

In this forum, Yayasan Cipta also conveyed various issues and challenges related to communication that need to be resolved to improve the effectiveness of food fortification programs in Indonesia. Some things and issues that are still the main challenges in the food fortification program in Indonesia are the government's presence is not maximized, public awareness about the importance of fortified food consumption is still lacking, additional costs cause doubts about sustainability, provision of fortificants to the distribution level which requires innovation and technological development, and inadequate human resources and capacity. Recognizing these challenges is a crucial step toward finding effective solutions and improving the program's outcomes.

Based on the situation analysis, KFI, assisted by Yayasan Cipta, prepared a draft of KFI's National Communication Strategy for Food Fortification for advocacy and behavior change. This communication strategy was developed using scientific methods such as the Socio-ecological model (SEM) and health communication partnership framework to describe the pathway of wide-scale food fortification.

Communication experts were also present to provide input for the development of KFI's communication and advocacy strategy for food fortification.

In this forum, several communication experts were present, each providing valuable input to enhance the communication and advocacy strategy. KFI and Yayasan Cipta extend their gratitude to all participants for their contributions, which will be instrumental in finalising and improving KFI's national communication strategy document on food fortification for advocacy and behaviour change.

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