food fortification

Global Coverage of Mandatory Large-Scale Food Fortification Programs: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Abstract: Food fortification with micronutrients is widely implemented to reduce micronutrient deficiencies and related outcomes. Although many factors affect the success of fortification programs, high population coverage is needed to have a public health impact. We aimed to provide recent global coverage estimates of salt, wheat flour, vegetable oil, maize flour, rice, and sugar among …

Global Coverage of Mandatory Large-Scale Food Fortification Programs: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Selengkapnya »

Aligning the epidemiology of malnutrition with food fortification with Food fortification: Graps versus reach

2023 Abstract: Large-scale food fortification (LSFF) has been recognized as one of the most cost-effective interventions to improve the intake of vitamins and minerals and decrease the burden of micronutrient deficiency. Indeed, the simple addition of micronutrients to staple foods, such as wheat, maize and rice, or condiments, including salt and bouillon, has tremendous potential …

Aligning the epidemiology of malnutrition with food fortification with Food fortification: Graps versus reach Selengkapnya »

The Potential of Food Fortification as an Enabler of More Environmentally Sustainable, Nutritionally Adequate Diets

2023 Abstract: Policies encouraging shifts towards more plant-based diets can lead to shortfalls in mi-cronutrients typically present in animal products (B-vitamins, vitamin D, calcium, iodine, iron, selenium, zinc, and long-chain omega-3 fatty acids). We modelled the effect of fortifying foods with these critical micronutrients, with the aim of achieving nutrition and sustainability goals, using food …

The Potential of Food Fortification as an Enabler of More Environmentally Sustainable, Nutritionally Adequate Diets Selengkapnya »