Launching of the Vitamin A Project 

KFI NewsLetter/Februari 2011/Volume 1/Section 2

On the occasion of the “National Nutrition Day” or “Hari Gizi Nasional”, the Ministry of Health and GAIN launched the Cooking Oil Fortification Project, which is jointly implemented with KFI and the Indonesian Nutrition Association (PERSAGI). The project will comprise five components: Production and Distribution, Quality Assurance, Social Marketing, Monitoring and Evaluation, as well as Project Management.

Press conference

The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Health, Dr. Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih MPH Dr.PH, the Minister of the National Planning and
Development Agency (BAPPENAS), Dr. Ir. Lukita Dinarsyah Tuwo MA, the Vice Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Ir. Bayu Krisnamurthi MS, the Vice
Minister of Industry, Dr. Ir. Alex Retraubun Msc, and the Executive Director of GAIN, Dr. Marc van Ameringen, as well as representatives of UN
Agencies, International NGOs and the cooking oil industry. On this occasion, the Ministry of Health launched the initiative on vitamin A
fortification of cooking oil, along with several publications on health and nutrition, including the new Nutrition Guideline for Indonesia “Gizi Seimbang”, which was written by a group of Nutrition Experts from the Danone Institute of Nutrition, Indonesia, lead by Prof. Soekirman. A new product, a mixed micronutrition called Taburia (sprinkle), was also formally introduced.

Minister of Health & Executive Director of GAIN

Congratulatory remarks were offered by various ministers and all involved parties who have joined hands for the promotion of vitamin A fortification. Prof. Soekirman was appreciated at this day for his great efforts in promoting fortification and raising awareness about micronutrient deficiency, including vitamin A deficiency in both, public and policy, and for having paved the way to overcome this deficiency in Indonesia.

A ceremony attended by ministers was held in order to launch the project to the public

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