
Pengaruh Makanan Fortifikasi Terhadap Kasus Stunting Anak

ABSTRAKStunting merupakan kondisi gagal tumbuh pada anak akibat kekurangan gizi kronis dan infeksi berulang terutama pada periode 1000 hari pertama kehidupan (HPK) yaitu dari janin hingga usia 24 bulan. Fortifikasi adalah praktik yang dilakukan secara sengaja untuk meningkatkan kandungan satu atau lebih mikronutrien (yaitu, vitamin dan mineral) dalam makanan atau bumbu untuk meningkatkan kualitas gizi …

Pengaruh Makanan Fortifikasi Terhadap Kasus Stunting Anak Selengkapnya »

Studi Literatur: Efektivitas Penambahan Zat Besi (Fe) sebagai Fortifikan pada Beras untuk Mengatasi Anemia

Abstrak: Defisiensi besi merupakan penyebab utama terjadinya anemia. Anemia merupakan suatu kondisi medis dimana jumlah sel darah merah atau hemogobin kurang dari normal. Zat besi merupakan salah satu fortifikan yang sering ditambahkan dalam bahan pangan untuk menambah nilai gizi zat tersebut dalam mencegah defisiensi anemia. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi pustaka, internet dan buku untuk …

Studi Literatur: Efektivitas Penambahan Zat Besi (Fe) sebagai Fortifikan pada Beras untuk Mengatasi Anemia Selengkapnya »

Global Coverage of Mandatory Large-Scale Food Fortification Programs: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Abstract: Food fortification with micronutrients is widely implemented to reduce micronutrient deficiencies and related outcomes. Although many factors affect the success of fortification programs, high population coverage is needed to have a public health impact. We aimed to provide recent global coverage estimates of salt, wheat flour, vegetable oil, maize flour, rice, and sugar among …

Global Coverage of Mandatory Large-Scale Food Fortification Programs: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Selengkapnya »

Challenges and opportunities for increasing the effectiveness of food reformulation and fortification to improve dietary and nutrition outcomes

Abstarct: Reformulation, a change to a food or beverage’s processing or composition, can reduce potentially harmful ingredients such as salt, added sugar, and saturated and trans fats or increase potentially beneficial ingredients or nutrients such as fiber, protein, and micronutrients. Poor nutrition and health outcomes of populations have stimulated programs and policies to reduce the …

Challenges and opportunities for increasing the effectiveness of food reformulation and fortification to improve dietary and nutrition outcomes Selengkapnya »

Aligning the epidemiology of malnutrition with food fortification with Food fortification: Graps versus reach

2023 Abstract: Large-scale food fortification (LSFF) has been recognized as one of the most cost-effective interventions to improve the intake of vitamins and minerals and decrease the burden of micronutrient deficiency. Indeed, the simple addition of micronutrients to staple foods, such as wheat, maize and rice, or condiments, including salt and bouillon, has tremendous potential …

Aligning the epidemiology of malnutrition with food fortification with Food fortification: Graps versus reach Selengkapnya »

The Potential of Food Fortification as an Enabler of More Environmentally Sustainable, Nutritionally Adequate Diets

2023 Abstract: Policies encouraging shifts towards more plant-based diets can lead to shortfalls in mi-cronutrients typically present in animal products (B-vitamins, vitamin D, calcium, iodine, iron, selenium, zinc, and long-chain omega-3 fatty acids). We modelled the effect of fortifying foods with these critical micronutrients, with the aim of achieving nutrition and sustainability goals, using food …

The Potential of Food Fortification as an Enabler of More Environmentally Sustainable, Nutritionally Adequate Diets Selengkapnya »

A generic theory of change-based framework with indicators for monitoring the effectiveness of large-scale food fortification programs in low- and middle- income countries

2023 Large-scale food fortification (LSFF) programs are widely implemented in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) to alleviate micronutrient deficiencies. However, these programs may not achieve the desired impact due to poor design or bottlenecks in program implementation. Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) frameworks and a set of agreed indicators can help to benchmark progress and to …

A generic theory of change-based framework with indicators for monitoring the effectiveness of large-scale food fortification programs in low- and middle- income countries Selengkapnya »

Worksheet for Feasibility, Implementation, and Monitoring of Imported Fortified Rice

When rice is shipped, the imported commodity is usually milled rice, rather than paddy rice. At various points in the imported rice supply chain, rice can be fortified with vitamins and mineral to improve the nutrient intake of consumers. This worksheet will guide stakeholders in countries considering mandating fortification of rice imports. Part A: Decide …

Worksheet for Feasibility, Implementation, and Monitoring of Imported Fortified Rice Selengkapnya »

Industry Self-Regulation of Food Fortification Compliance: Piloting the Micronutrient Fortification Index in Nigeria

2022 Abstract Sustaining large-scale and good-quality food fortification requires strategies that incentivize food processors to invest in andconsistently meet national food fortification standards where they exist. A standardized Micronutrient Fortification Index (MFI)piloted in Nigeria has provided a ranking of fortified branded products for each participating company, based on a scoreaggregating the effectiveness and efficiency of …

Industry Self-Regulation of Food Fortification Compliance: Piloting the Micronutrient Fortification Index in Nigeria Selengkapnya »

Exploring the Use of the WHO Micronutrients Database to Identify Pre-and Post-Fortification Biomarker Data for Countries with Mandatory Grain Fortification

July 2023 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY One way to assess if mandatory grain (wheat flour, maize flour, rice) fortification is effective is to compare biomarkers of nutritional status in a subset of the population before and after fortification starts. WHO has a Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) which collates micronutrient biomarker data available for multiple …

Exploring the Use of the WHO Micronutrients Database to Identify Pre-and Post-Fortification Biomarker Data for Countries with Mandatory Grain Fortification Selengkapnya »