KFI Capacity Building: Action to Increase Comprehensive Knowledge of KFI Personnel on Mandatory Food Fortification

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Dalam rangka meningkatkan pengetahuan komprehensif personel KFI tentang Fortifikasi Pangan Wajib, mengadakan kegiatan berupa KFI Capacity Building. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan selama 3 hari yaitu 15-17 Maret 2023. Dalam kesempatan ini, KFI juga melakukan pelaporan kepada Bappenas  tentang Kerjasama KFI dengan BMGF dan kolaborasi KFI dengan UNICEF untuk mendukung Bappenas dalam pelaksanaan fortifikasi pangan nasional, serta mengusulkan untuk memimpin koordinasi kebijakan dan pelaksanaan program fortifikasi pangan nasional. Selain itu, KFI juga menyatakan dukungannya kepada BAPANAS untuk melaksanakan kebijakan LSFF.

At this moment, KFI recommended the Bappenas Secretary to improve the policies in the 2025-2045 RPJPN draft.
Transformation of the national food system to realize food security, independence, and sovereignty through regionalizing the food system of an archipelagic nation based on agroecosystems, resources, and local wisdom. The policy directions pursued are:

  1. Fulfillment of the basic right to food for all individuals in a sustainable manner, especially for the poor
  2. Fulfillment of adequate food and nutrition, varied by balanced nutrition guidelines, safe and affordable to ensure a healthy, active and productive life,
  3. Increasing the intake of essential micronutrients to build quality and productive human resources through the development of wide-scale food fortification and biofortification (LSFF) supported by an effective cross-actor coordination forum;
  4. Guaranteeing access and affordability of diverse, nutritionally balanced, and safe food within the first 1000 days of life for the poor, living in 3T areas, or affected by disasters;
  5. Application of conservation agriculture, regenerative agriculture, adaptive and low carbon, and
  6. Development of food from the sea/waters (blue food), bioeconomy for food, and other future food potentials


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