Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Jakarta (27/06/2023) – KFI in collaboration with Bappenas organized a Pre-Workshop on Food and Nutrition. The theme was "Strategies for effective and sustainable development of large-scale food fortification to build productive Indonesian human resources." The conference aimed to identify important and strategic topics of the food fortification program in Indonesia to be proposed as thematic topics that will be discussed and produce recommendations at the WNPG XII Forum in 2023.
The topics discussed in this meeting were the analysis of the salt fortification landscape fortifikasi garam in Indonesia, the Potential of mandatory fortification of bulk cooking oil the Effectiveness of wheat flour fortification, the Feasibility of compulsory rice fortification in the social safety net, the development of rice biofortification, and Development of Government and Business Cooperation forum.
Through this pre-workshop, KFI recommends to Bappenas to ensure the involvement of the business world and investors in the food fortification program, the issue of Sustainable Food Fortification and Biofortification needs to be mainstreamed in the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025 - 2045. Advocacy to Bappenas and other related sectors is also required. In addition, KFI also stresses the importance of a national strategic plan on food fortification that includes detailed procedures, stages, targets, and schedules for Large Scale Food Fortification (LSFF) and Biofortification in implementing the LSFF program LSFF. And last but not least, KFI also emphasized the need for government and private partnerships to implement LSFF.